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Organized for Browsing by General Area

(with the result that many are listed more than once)*

Hermeneutics and Phenomenology

•  Learning to Think is Learning to Love (2021)

–Faculty Colloquium,

Catholic Theological Institute, PNG–


•  Heidegger and Aristotle, Madness and Essence (2019)



•  Heidegger's Critique of Novelty (2017)



•  Trust; Or, On Being Claimed (2016)

–Philosophy Faculty Colloquium,

University of Minnesota, Duluth–


•  Whence Catholic Philosophy? (2015)

–ACPA (Sponsored Satellite Session)–


•  The Time that Consumes and the Time that Eats (2015)



•  Illness as Privation, Healing as Meditation (2015)

–The Heidegger Circle–


•  Trust and the Piety of Thought (2015)

–Philosophy Department,

University of Dallas–


•  Mitya's Amulet vs. Foucault's Preferential Option for the Suicidal (2014)



•  Heidegger and Freud on the Ground of Logical Negation (2014)



•  The Nature of Truth as Heidegger's Self-Made Security (2013)

–Philosophy Faculty Colloquium,

Loyola Marymount University–


•  On Being and Having a Conversation: Heidegger's Dialogues (2013)

–Participants' Conference,

Collegium Phaenomenologicum–


•  Originary Truth as Heidegger's Self-Assurance (2013)

–NY Phenomenology Research Group–


•  Response to Krzysztof Ziarek's "Das Gewalt-lose Walten: Heidegger on Violence, Power, and Gentleness" (2011)

–The Heidegger Circle–


•  On Trust in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (2011)

–"Philosophical Collaborations" (with J. Bloechl)

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale–


•  How Does Contemplation Really Work? (2010)


Psychoanalysis and Mental Illness

•  On Basic Trust and Its Betrayal in Psychosis (2019)

–Grand Rounds, Austen Riggs Center,

Stockbridge, MA–


•  The Body of Internal Conflict (2017)



•  An Attempt at Synthesizing Psychotic Phenomena (2017)

–C/PIF, Psychology Dept., Patton State Mental Hospital,

San Bernardino, CA–


•  "I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day":

On Language and Betrayal in Psychotic Suffering (2017)

–Philosophy Department,

CSU Stanislaus–


•  Illness as Privation, Healing as Meditation (2015)

–The Heidegger Circle–


•  How Can Psychotic Responses Be Understood?

The Role of Trust and Betrayal in Psychosis (2014, twice)

–C/PIF, Patton State Mental Hospital,

San Bernardino, CA;

Grand Rounds, Dept. of Psychiatry,

Loma Linda University, CA–


•  Tales of the Drives in Freud and Aristotle (2012)



•  Response to Richard Boothby's "The Lost Cause of Mourning" (2012)

–"After the Unthinkable" Conference,

Boston College–


•  On Trust in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (2011)

–"Philosophical Collaborations" (with J. Bloechl)

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale–

Ancient Greek Philosophy

•  Heidegger and Aristotle, Madness and Essence (2019)



•  The Body of Internal Conflict (2017)



•  Why Friendship Justifies Becoming (2011, 2016)

–APS and ACPA–


•  Tales of the Drives in Freud and Aristotle (2012)



•  How Does Contemplation Really Work? (2010)



*Key to Acronyms:

SCPT = Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology

ACPA = American Catholic Philosophical Association

PACT = Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition

CCPC = Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle

SAGP = Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy

C/PIF = Clinical/Professional Issues Forum

APS = Ancient Philosophy Society

Talks at Catholic Theological Institute

•  The Gift of Standards: Filling Out Course Evaluations Thoughtfully (March 2022)

–Campus-wide Methodology Talk–


•  "Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So" (Integrating Quotations Effectively) (October 2021)

–Campus-wide Methodology Talk–


•  Learning to Think is Learning to Love (September 2021)

–Faculty Colloquium


•  My Lab Rats Haven't Arrived Yet! (Research in Philosophy and Theology) (June 2021)

–Campus-wide Methodology Talk, with Rebecca Zimmerman–


•  The Virtues of Academic Honesty (March 2021)

–Campus-wide Methodology Talk–

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